Medical credential services
Digital credentials are digital certificates such as diplomas, degrees, transcripts, badges, etc, which have been issued by an institution. They offer more advantages than traditional paper and PDF certificates.
The European Board of Radiology (EBR) has decided to move from traditional certificates in PDF format to digital certificates. The new certificate still contains information about the recipient’s name, issuing body, examination date, certificate number, and the signatures of the President of the UEMS Section of Radiology, the Chairman of the ESR Board of Directors and the EDiR Scientific Director. The novelty is its design. Its image has been completely renewed and a QR code that facilitates and speeds up authentication has been incorporated. Additionally, the certificates are tamper-proof via Blockchain technology, which means that it is impossible to forge them.
The European Board of Radiology wants to take a step forward regarding the security of its certificates by using state-of-the-art technologies. To this end, the EBR has developed the Medical Credential Services. It’s a new web-based platform to issue, manage, protect and verify medical digital certificates.
If you are the holder of an old certificate that was issued before 2023, it has the same validity as the new one. However, we strongly recommend you to use the new certificate, as it is more secure and can be instantly verified by any external body.
You will receive an email with a link to your certificate. Please click on the link and a new website will open with your certificate and all the information related to it. Below you will find an example of the email that you will receive.
You will receive an email with a link to your certificate. Please click on the link and a new website will open with your certificate and all the information related to it. Below you will find an example of the email that you will receive.
The following website will open:
Please click on the Download button to download the certificate in PDF format. You can print it or save it on any device.
If you have not received the email in two weeks, please check your spam folder. If the email is not there, kindly contact us in order to solve this issue.
In order to share your achievements, please click on a social network icon as shown in the example below.
The following window will open.
Please click on Sign Up if you have not registered yet on our Medical Credential Services or click on Sign In if you already have an account.
Once you are logged in to our platform, you will see the list of available certificates. Please click on the certificate you would like to share and scroll down to change the privacy settings. By default, all your certificates will be private and only you and the people you share the certificate link with will see this information. For this reason, you have to change the privacy settings to make your certificate public before sharing it on social media.
The following pop-up window will appear.
Please click on Change to share your certificate on social media. Additionally, your certificate will appear in search engine results and in a public professional directory that can be consulted by external bodies in order to confirm the authenticity of your certificate.
After changing the privacy settings, please click on the social network icon that corresponds to the platform you would like to share your certificate on and follow the instructions.
There are several ways to verify the authenticity of a certificate:
Scanning the QR code: Each certificate has a QR code that can be scanned with any mobile device. After scanning the QR code, a website with information about the certificate will appear. This information includes the name of the holder, the body and the date of issue, expiry date, etc. To further confirm its authenticity, please scroll down and confirm that the body and the holder are verified and that the certificate is registered on the Blockchain.
Accessing the professional directory: The EBR has a public website where any external body can confirm whether someone claiming to hold the EDiR certificate is actually the holder. Just click here and look for the certificate by the certificate’s holder name or certificate number. Please note that if the certificate does not appear, this may be because the candidate has their certificate private and, therefore, it will not be listed in any search engine. In this case, the external body may contact us in order to confirm the authenticity of the certificate.