ETAP Scientific Committee
Scientific Director
J. Kraft
Assessors/ Co-assessors (on a rotating basis)
EBR member: I. Battyáni
EBR member: O. Dicle
EBR member: İ. Ş. Örgüç
EBR member: A.A. Parkar
EBR member: P.K. Prassopoulos
EDiR Scientific Director (ex-officio):
L. Oleaga
UEMS member: C. Cantwell
UEMS member: L. Gorospe
UEMS member: H. Helmberger
UEMS member: P. Jylhä-Vuorio
UEMS member: N. Traikova
UEMS member: N. Valevicienne
Junior assessors
EBR members:
S. Afat (ESR Radiology Trainees Forum Subcommittee (RTF))
V. Pozdniakova (ESR Radiology Trainees Forum Subcommittee (RTF))
UEMS members:
M. Brazdziunas (European Junior Doctors)
V. von Beckerath (European Junior Doctors)
EBR members:
S. Afat (ESR Radiology Trainees Forum Subcommittee (RTF))
V. Pozdniakova (ESR Radiology Trainees Forum Subcommittee (RTF))
UEMS members:
M. Brazdziunas (European Junior Doctors)
V. von Beckerath (European Junior Doctors)
Consultative / Verifier members*
Society Delegate to the ESR Education Cte. (from the country of the institution to be assessed)
UEMS National Delegate (from the country of the institution to be assessed)
*(These members will only be contacted by the designated assessor and co-assessor if information needs to be verified)