ETAP Accredited Training Programmes
The European Training Assessment Programme (ETAP) 2.0 certifies that:
The institution has radiology training standards according to the principles established in the ESR ETC (European Training Curriculum) and covers all aspects of education with all the modalities of imaging.

Silver Certificate: The institution has training standards that certify that the training in comparison with the standards established in the ETC (ESR European Training Curriculum) is adequate and covers all aspects of education.
Gold Certificate: The institution provides a standard training in accordance with the ETC (ESR European Training Curriculum) subspecialisation programme and basic research training.
Platinum Certificate: The institution provides an advanced training program of subspecialisation and research in accordance with the ETC (ESR European Training Curriculum) with all the modalities of imaging available.
Best practices from ETAP 2.0 assessed centres
We have selected and highlighted five key elements that reflect the training quality of these centres and that can be used as best practice indicators:
- Specialised teaching staff on site
- Personalised monitoring and supervision
- Outstanding supervision and mentorship for trainees
- Courses and training for Emergency Radiology
- Mandatory participation to multidisciplinary meetings
In terms of the training programme itself, the ETAP 2:0 has also identified five fundamental aspects that an effective training programme should have:
- The training programme should be aligned with the ESR’s ETC
- The training programme should be delivered by qualified staff
- The ideal length of training should be 5 years
- The training programme should offer research, management and leadership opportunities
- It should be able to prepare the residents for the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) as this provides radiologists with a certification of excellence, stating that the holder has a level of knowledge and competency in line with the ESR European Training Curriculum
Lastly, please see some tips that training centres should bear in mind in order to be fully in line with the ETC and therefore successfully pass the ETAP 2:0 evaluation:
- The training programme should last 5 years
- The residents should be familiar with the ESR’s ETC (at least know the essential parts)
- The national training programme should be aligned with the ESR’s ETC
- The use of a logbook to monitor if residents achieve and acquire the adequate knowledge, skills and competences is recommended
- The programme should facilitate the inclusion of informatics, ethics, management and communication in radiology