The best source of high-quality educational material suitable for preparation for the EDiR is here. Access self-assessment tests, learning materials and the latest news from EDiR anywhere and anytime.
The EDiR app will help you succeed in the EDiR examination!
If you’re preparing for the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR), this is the perfect tool to have on your mobile phone.
By using an app that gives you access to EDiR examination material, you will be able to practice anytime and anywhere via your mobile phone.
You will also have direct access to a calendar showing all the upcoming exams around the world, and will even be able to register for them directly on the app.
Stay informed with new exam announcements or updates via our notification system
In addition, you will have direct access to the EBR blog, where you will find related news and useful information, case studies and everything you need to know about EBR and EDiR.
With the EDiR app you will be able to:
· Practice for the EDiR exam directly from your phone with sample exams and learning material
· Consult the calendar of upcoming exams and register for them quickly and easily
· Read case studies and useful information related to EBR and EDiR with direct access to our blog
· Contact the EBR team through the app with any doubts, suggestions or comments you might have
· Receive instant push notifications on your mobile phone, giving you the dates of newly announced exams
Install the EDiR app:
To install the EDiR app on an Android device scan the QR code below or click here
To install the EDiR app on on an Apple (iOS) device scan the QR code below or click here